
As per SEBI guidelines, it's now mandatory to either add a nominee to your account or choose to opt-out. Failing to do so before 30th Sep, 2023 would cause your account to be frozen. To prevent unauthorized transactions in your demat account, update your number with your DP & receive alerts on your registered mobile for all debit and other important transactions directly from CDSL on the same day. KYC is a one-time exercise while dealing in securities markets. Once KYC is done through a SEBI-registered intermediary, you need not undergo the same process again when approaching another intermediary. Investors need not issue cheque while subscribing to IPO. Just mention bank account number and sign the application form to authorize your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries about a refund as the money remains in the investor's account. Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 01, 2020. Update your email id and mobile number with your stock broker / depository participant and receive OTP directly from depository on your email id and/or mobile number to create pledge. Check your securities / MF / bonds in the consolidated account statement issued by NSDL/CDSL every month. Advisory for investors
Click here to download Acumen API


You can create your trading strategy or select multiple strategies using Tradetron. To fire trade in our terminal using your strategies please use the APIs below.

Acumen Functions

This function is called to set up ID. It is a one time process.

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 entity_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 Source M/W/N/I/R/O Y M Mobile Web
W Website
N Android
O Operator Work Station
H Admi


This is used to get the token & it will be used for the remaining function calls. If the token expires, you will have to login, authenticate & update the fresh token.

Sl No Parameter Description
1 Token To be used in the rest of the functions


To authenticate, please provide the password & PAN number along with the token fetched from the login.

To use any of the below APIs, you will need to log in & authenticate first.

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 device_id Imei no/mac addr Y
2 pan_no ABCDE1234F Y
3 pass Abc123 Y

Order Book

This allows the user to place & view orders to any exchange via Acumen broking.

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 sort_by order_date_time/last_updated_time N Default sort order is order_date_time

Order Details

This allows the user to place & view orders to any exchange via Acumen broking.

Sl No Parameter Sample/Possible Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 order_no 0123456789 Y "Order Number for which details are required"
3 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity

Trade book

This allows the user to fetch & views all the trade details for the current day across all platforms and exchanges in the current trading day.

Sl No Parameter Sample/Possible Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID

Trade details

Sl No Parameter Sample/Possible Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 order_no 0123456789 Y "Order Number for which details are required"
3 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
4 leg_no 1/2/3 N Leg no. Default value ‘1’


This allows the user to fetch the equity holdings of the user.

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID

Net Position

This allows the user to fetch the current open and closed positions for the current trading day. Note that the previous trading day’s closed positions will not be shown here.

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID

Fund limit

This allows the user to show the balance available for capital or the commodity market.

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID

Place order

This allows the user to place, modify or cancel an order to any exchange via Acumen Broking.

Order entry

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 txn_type B/S Y B incase of buy position, S incase of sell position
3 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX Y
4 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
5 product C/M/I/H/V/F/B Y C CNC
M Margin
I Intraday
H Normal – Hybrid
B BO – Bracket Order
V CO – Cover Order
6 security_id Y Scrip ID
7 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
8 price Y Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL
9 validity IOC/DAY/GTC/GTD Y IOC Immediate or cancel
DAY Intraday
GTC Good till cancel
GTD Good till Date
10 order_type LMT/MKT/SL/SLM Y LMT Limit
MKT Market
SL Stoploss
SLM Stoploss-Market
11 off_mkt_flag false/true N "true for aftermarket order, false by default"
12 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 N Default is NL
13 good_till_days_date 2021-03-21 (yyyy-MM-dd) N Mandatory when validity is GTD

Order modification

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 txn_type B/S
3 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX
4 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
5 product C/M/I/H/V/F/B Y C CNC
M Margin
I Intraday
H Normal – Hybrid
B BO – Bracket Order
V CO – Cover Order
6 security_id Y Scrip ID
7 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
8 price Y "Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL"
9 validity IOC/DAY/GTC/GTD Y IOC Immediate or cancel
DAY Intraday
GTC Good till cancel
GTD Good till Date
10 order_type LMT/MKT/SL/SLM Y LMT Limit
MKT Market
SL Stoploss
SLM Stoploss-Market
11 off_mkt_flag false/true Y "true for aftermarket order,false for normal order"
12 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y
13 good_till_days_date 2021-03-21 (yyyy-MM-dd) N Mandatory when validity is GTD
14 order_no 1234567890 Y Order number
15 serial_no 1 Y Serial number
16 group_id 1 Y Group ID

Order cancellation

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 txn_type B/S
3 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX
4 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
5 product C/M/I/H/V/F/B Y C CNC
M Margin
I Intraday
H Normal – Hybrid
B BO – Bracket Order
V CO – Cover Order
6 security_id Y Scrip ID
7 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
8 price Y "Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL"
9 validity IOC/DAY/GTC/GTD Y IOC Immediate or cancel
DAY Intraday
GTC Good till cancel
GTD Good till Date
10 order_type LMT/MKT/SL/SLM Y LMT Limit
MKT Market
SL Stoploss
SLM Stoploss-Market
11 off_mkt_flag false/true Y "true for aftermarket order,false for normal order"
12 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y
13 good_till_days_date 2021-03-21 (yyyy-MM-dd) N Mandatory when validity is GTD
14 order_no 1234567890 Y Order number
15 serial_no 1 Y Serial number
16 group_id 1 Y Group ID

Cover order

This allows users to place, modify, or exit cover order via Acumen Broking.

Cover Order entry

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 txn_type B/S
3 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX
4 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
5 product C/M/I/H/V/F/B Y V CO – Cover Order
6 security_id Y Scrip ID
7 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
8 price Y "Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL"
9 validity IOC/DAY/GTC/GTD Y IOC Immediate or cancel
DAY Intraday
GTC Good till cancel
GTD Good till Date
10 order_type LMT/MKT/SL/SLM Y LMT Limit
MKT Market
SL Stoploss
SLM Stoploss-Market
11 trigger_price Y
12 off_mkt_flag false/true Y "true for aftermarket order,false for normal order"
13 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y
14 good_till_days_date 2021-03-21 (yyyy-MM-dd) N Mandatory when validity is GTD

Cover Order modification

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 txn_type B/S
3 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX
4 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
5 product C/M/I/H/V/F/B Y V CO – Cover Order
6 security_id Y Scrip ID
7 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
8 price Y "Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL"
9 validity IOC/DAY/GTC/GTD Y IOC Immediate or cancel
DAY Intraday
GTC Good till cancel
GTD Good till Date
10 order_type LMT/MKT/SL/SLM Y LMT Limit
MKT Market
SL Stoploss
SLM Stoploss-Market
11 trigger_price Y
12 off_mkt_flag false/true Y "true for aftermarket order,false for normal order"
13 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y
14 good_till_days_date 2021-03-21 (yyyy-MM-dd) N Mandatory when validity is GTD
15 serial_no 1 Y Serial number
16 leg_no 1/2 Y Order leg number
17 group_id 1 Y Group Id

Cover Order exit

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 txn_type B/S
3 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX
4 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
5 product C/M/I/H/V/F/B Y V CO – Cover Order
6 security_id Y Scrip ID
7 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
8 price Y "Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL"
9 validity IOC/DAY/GTC/GTD Y IOC Immediate or cancel
DAY Intraday
GTC Good till cancel
GTD Good till Date
10 order_type LMT/MKT/SL/SLM Y LMT Limit
MKT Market
SL Stoploss
SLM Stoploss-Market
11 off_mkt_flag false/true Y "true for aftermarket order,false for normal order"
12 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y
13 good_till_days_date 2021-03-21 (yyyy-MM-dd) N Mandatory when validity is GTD
14 serial_no 1 Y Serial number
15 leg_no 1/2 Y Order leg number
16 group_id 1 Y Group Id

Bracket order

This allows users to place, modify, or exit bracket order via Acumen Broking.

Bracket order entry

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 txn_type B/S
3 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX
4 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
5 product B Y B BO – Bracket Order
6 security_id Y Scrip ID
7 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
8 price Y "Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL"
9 validity IOC/DAY/GTC/GTD Y IOC Immediate or cancel
DAY Intraday
GTC Good till cancel
GTD Good till Date
10 order_type LMT/MKT/SL/SLM Y LMT Limit
MKT Market
SL Stoploss
SLM Stoploss-Market
11 off_mkt_flag false/true Y "true for aftermarket order,false for normal order"
12 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y
13 good_till_days_date 2021-03-21 (yyyy-MM-dd) N Mandatory when validity is GTD
14 profit_value Y Profit price value
15 stoploss_value Y Stoploss price value

Bracket order modification

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 txn_type B/S
3 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX
4 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
5 product B Y B BO – Bracket Order
6 security_id Y Scrip ID
7 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
8 price Y "Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL"
9 validity IOC/DAY/GTC/GTD Y IOC Immediate or cancel
DAY Intraday
GTC Good till cancel
GTD Good till Date
10 order_type LMT/MKT/SL/SLM Y LMT Limit
MKT Market
SL Stoploss
SLM Stoploss-Market
11 off_mkt_flag false/true Y "true for aftermarket order,false for normal order"
12 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y
13 good_till_days_date 2021-03-21 (yyyy-MM-dd) N Mandatory when validity is GTD
14 algo_order_no Y Algo order number
15 order_no 1234567890 Y Order number
16 serial_no 1 Y Serial number
17 leg_no 1/2/3' Y Order leg number
16 group_id 1 Y Group Id

Bracket order exit

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 txn_type B/S Y
3 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX Y
4 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
5 product B Y B BO - Bracket Order
6 security_id Y Scrip ID
7 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
8 price Y "Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL"
9 validity IOC/DAY/GTC/GTD Y IOC Immediate or cancel
DAY Intraday
GTC Good till cancel
GTD Good till Date
10 order_type LMT/MKT/SL/SLM Y LMT Limit
MKT Market
SL Stoploss
SLM Stoploss-Market
11 off_mkt_flag false/true Y "true for aftermarket order,false for normal order"
12 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y
13 good_till_days_date 2021-03-21 (yyyy-MM-dd) N Mandatory when validity is GTD
14 algo_order_no Y Algo order number
15 order_no 1234567890 Y Order number
16 serial_no 1 Y Serial number
17 leg_no 1/2/3' Y Order leg number
16 group_id 1 Y Group ID

Convert to delivery

This allows the user to convert an open position from one product type to another.

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 client_id TB0007 Y Acumen client ID
2 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX
3 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
4 security_id Y Scrip ID
5 quantity Y Non-zero integer value
6 price Y "Float value, cannot be zero when ORDER_TYPE is LMT/SL"
7 txn_type B/S Y
8 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y
9 product_from C/M/I/H/V/F/B Y C CNC
M Margin
I Intraday
H Normal – Hybrid
B BO – Bracket Order
V CO – Cover Order
10 product_to C/M/I/H/V/F/B/td> Y C CNC
M Margin
I Intraday
H Normal – Hybrid
B BO – Bracket Order
V CO – Cover Order

Market status

Sl No Parameter Sample Value Mandatory Description
1 exchange NSE/BSE/MCX
2 segment E/D/C/M Y E Equity
D Derivative
C Currency
M Commodity
3 mkt_type NL/OL/AU/SP/A1/A2 Y If this parameter is not passed, then this API will give the status of all the market type

from Acumen_api import AcumenFunctions

user1 = AcumenFunctions.AcumenFunctions(
entity_id = "[your_entity_id]", #Enter your Acumen ID here
source = "I"

response = user1.login()
print (response)
token = "[your_token_id]" #from Response

response = user1.password_auth(
pwd = "[your_password]",
pan_no = "[your_PAN_no]",
device_id = "",
token = token)
print (response)

response = user1.order_book(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"sort_by" : "order_date_time"
response = user1.order_details(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"order_no" : "[your_order_no]",
"segment" : "E"
response = user1.trade_book(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]"
response = user1.trade_details(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"order_no" : "[your_order_no]",
"segment" : "E",
"leg_no" : "1"
response =
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]" } ) print(response)
response = user1.net_position(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]" } ) print(response)
response = user1.fund_limit(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]"

response = user1.order_entry(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"txn_type" : "B",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"product" : "C",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"price" : "1.2",
"validity" : "IOC",
"order_type" : "LMT",
"off_mkt_flag" : "0", # False by default
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"good_till_days_date" : "2019-03-29", #(Mandatory when validity is GTD)

response = user1.order_modification(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"txn_type" : "B",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"product" : "C",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"price" : "1.2",
"validity" : "IOC",
"order_type" : "LMT",
"off_mkt_flag" : "0",
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"good_till_days_date" : "2019-03-29", #(Mandatory when validity is GTD)
"order_no" : "[your_order_no]",
"serial_no" : "1",
"group_id" : ""

response = user1.order_cancellation(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"txn_type" : "B",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"product" : "C",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"price" : "1.2",
"validity" : "IOC",
"order_type" : "LMT",
"off_mkt_flag" : "0",
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"good_till_days_date" : "2019-03-29", #(Mandatory when validity is GTD)
"order_no" : "[your_order_no]",
"serial_no" : "1",
"group_id" : ""

response = user1.co_order_entry(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"txn_type" : "B",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"product" : "C",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"price" : "1.2",
"validity" : "IOC",
"order_type" : "LMT",
"trigger_price" : 0.0,
"off_mkt_flag" : "0",
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"good_till_days_date" : "2019-03-29", #(Mandatory when validity is GTD)

response = user1.co_order_modify(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"txn_type" : "B",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"product" : "C",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"price" : "1.2",
"validity" : "IOC",
"order_type" : "LMT",
"trigger_price" : 0.0,
"off_mkt_flag" : "0",
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"good_till_days_date" : "2019-03-29", #(Mandatory when validity is GTD)
"serial_no" : "1",
"leg_no" : "1",
"group_id" : ""

response = user1.co_order_exit(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"txn_type" : "B",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"product" : "C",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"price" : "1.2",
"validity" : "IOC",
"order_type" : "LMT",
"off_mkt_flag" : "0",
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"good_till_days_date" : "2019-03-29", #(Mandatory when validity is GTD)
"serial_no" : "1",
"leg_no" : "1",
"group_id" : ""

response = user1.bo_order_entry(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"txn_type" : "B",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"product" : "C",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"price" : "1.2",
"validity" : "IOC",
"order_type" : "LMT",
"off_mkt_flag" : "0",
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"good_till_days_date" : "2019-03-29", #(Mandatory when validity is GTD)
"profit_value" : 1.2,
"stoploss_value" : 1.3,

response = user1.bo_order_modify(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"txn_type" : "B",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"product" : "C",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"price" : "1.2",
"validity" : "IOC",
"order_type" : "LMT",
"trigger_price" : 0.0,
"off_mkt_flag" : "0",
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"good_till_days_date" : "2019-03-29", #(Mandatory when validity is GTD)
"algo_order_no" : "0",
"order_no" : "[your_order_no]",
"serial_no" : "1",
"leg_no" : "1",
"group_id" : ""

response = user1.bo_order_exit(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"txn_type" : "B",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"product" : "C",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"price" : "1.2",
"validity" : "IOC",
"order_type" : "LMT",
"off_mkt_flag" : "0",
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"good_till_days_date" : "2019-03-29", #(Mandatory when validity is GTD)
"algo_order_no" : "0",
"order_no" : "[your_order_no]",
"serial_no" : "1",
"leg_no" : "1",
"group_id" : "" } ) print(response)

response = user1.conv_to_del(
token = token,
data = {
"client_id" : "[your_client_id]",
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"security_id" : "[your_security_id]",
"quantity" : 1,
"txn_type" : "B",
"mkt_type" : "NL",
"product_from" : "C",
"product_to" : "M"

response = user1.market_status(
token = token,
data = {
"exchange" : "NSE",
"segment" : "E",
"mkt_type" : "NL" #(Not mandatory)

URL : 
Method : POST
ReqestBody : {
"entity_id" : "TB0007",
"source" : "M",
"device_id" : "815768050190052",
"pan_no" : "AOAPC7189Z",
"password" : "pass@828"
Response : {
"status" : "success",
"message" : "Login Successful",
"token_id" : "67d959833e36d4d62c1c"

Method : POST
ReqestBody : {
"client_id" : "TB0007",
"sort_by" : "order_date_time",
"token_id" : "67d959833e36d4d62c1c"
Response : {
"status" : "success",
"message" : "",
"data" : [

Method : POST
ReqestBody : {
"client_id" : "TB0007",
"segment" : "E",
"order_no" : "2220896110443",
"token_id" : "70r56cc1ue093d804aa4"
Response : {
"status" : "success",
"message" : "",
"data" : []

Method : POST
ReqestBody : {
"client_id" : "TB0007",
"token_id" : "70f56cc1be093d004aa4"
Response : {
"status" : "success",
"message" : "",
"data" : [
{ },{ }, { },.....

Method : POST
ReqestBody : {
"client_id" : "TB0007",
"order_no" : "22207213743",
"segment" : "E",
"token_id" : "70f56cc1be093d004aa4"
Response : {
"status" : "success",
"message" : "",
"data" : []

Method : POST
ReqestBody : {
"client_id" : "TB0007",
"token_id" : "70f56cc1be093d004aa4"
Response : {
"status" : "success",
"message" : "",
"data" : [
{ },{ },{ },...

Method : POST
ReqestBody : {
"client_id" : "TB0007",
"token_id" : "70f56cc1be093d004aa4"
Response : {
"status" : "success",
"message" : "",
"data" : [
{ },{ },{ },...

Method : POST
ReqestBody : {
"client_id" : "TB0007",
"token_id" : "70f56cc1be093d004aa4"
Response : {
"status" : "success",
"message" : "",
"data" : [{
"limit_type" : "CAPITAL",
"limit_sod" : 6390.75,
"adhoc_limit" : 0.0,
"receivables" : 0.0,
"collaterals" : 0.0,
"realised_profits" : 4152.5,
"amount_utilized" : 5951.25,
………. etc

Method : POST
ReqestBody : {
*client_id = "TB0007";
*token_id = "20cbe8a11f434ef9a5de";
*txn_type = "B";
*exchange = "NSE";
*segment = "E";
*product = "I";
*security_id = "14366";
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Disclaimer: Acumen Capital Market Ltd does not guarantee any fixed returns. Investment in the securities market is subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. KYC is a one-time exercise while dealing in securities markets-once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund, etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary.

Investments in the securities market are subject to market risk, read all the related documents carefully before investing. We collect, retain, and use your contact information for legitimate business purposes only, to contact you, and to provide you with information & latest updates regarding our products & services. We do not sell or rent your contact information to third parties. Before dealing with authorized persons, please check the details here. Stay well-informed about investing in the securities market with valuable educative material - click here. For CDSL DP support, visit their YouTube channel

Risk disclosures on derivatives : 9 out of 10 individual traders in the equity futures and options segment, incurred net losses. On average, loss makers registered net trading losses close to 50,000. Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended and an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs. Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction costs.

Escalation matrix : Customer care: Sneha John,, 0484-4291111 | KYC: Jinkle Joseph,, 0484-4291143 | Compliance officer: Suja Joseph,, 0484-4291119 | COO: Gireesh K.S,, 0484-4291154. For cyberattack-related issues, please call 0484-4291148, In the absence of a response/complaint not addressed to your satisfaction, you may lodge a complaint at scores. Register yourself in the SCORES portal by filling in your name, PAN, address, mobile number & e-mail ID. Benefits: Effective communication & speedy redressal of the grievances. Common Online Dispute Resolution Portal

We provide clients with the option to voluntarily freeze/block online access to their trading account; for more information or to avail of this facility, contact or call 0484-4291111.

Registered office : Acumen Capital Market India Ltd, S.T Reddiar & Sons, Veekshanam Road, Kochi Pin: 682035, 0484-4291114 | Website: | SEBI Regn. Nos. : INZ000170434 | NSDL Reg no: IN-DP-40-2015 | CDSL Reg. no: IN-DP-CDSL-680-2013 | Company Identification Number (CIN): U67120KL1995PLC008674 | CDSL DP ID: 12075800 | NSDL DP ID IN300896 | CDSL Branches: NIL | NSDL Branches: Yes

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